Innovation Feature: AntiOrdinary
in·no·vate to make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products AntiOrdinary A1 is—well—anything but ordinary. Australian engineers and self-proclaimed ski enthusiasts took on the challenge of redesigning the traditional...
We’ve Got the Best Damn EDC
Plain and simple. Lever Gear has the best damn everyday carry (EDC) gear. Oh. You want us to prove it? Easy. In December, Taylor Martin of Best Damn EDC visited Lever Gear HQ. He sampled our collection of created and curated gear and got an exclusive on our newest...
Spread the Cheer and See the Toolcard Everywhere!
We’ve sent Toolcard Pros to more than half of the world’s countries. Here are just a few members of the Lever Gear family across the US and throughout the world: