What is Everyday Carry? In a simple, one sentence definition, it’s the practice of carrying your everyday essentials to ensure you’re always prepared. What’s Earth Day Carry? It’s something we just made up to honor Earth Day and our love of EDC. So, here you have it—a compiled a list of everyday carry gear that is eco-friendly:
1. Cutlery
We typically eat three meals a day. And, one of those meals is usually eaten outside the home. Grabbing a bagel and cream cheese to go in the morning? Or maybe a salad for lunch? Don’t forget the pad thai for dinner! Or, yes—you over-achiever—even if you packed your own meal and brought it to work with you… You need something to transport your food from your plate to your mouth.
Take out and fast food joints will be quick to offer you some plastic cutlery that’s wrapped in—you guessed it!—more plastic. You can save the planet one plastic silverware pack at a time by investing in a reusable cutlery set. Try Full Windsor’s The Muncher. This piece of eco-friendly everyday carry gear, unlike a traditional cutlery set, functions as a multitool, offering many more features than your standard fork, knife, and spoon.

2. Backpack
Keeping reusable bags on hand in the trunk of your car is a great way to cut down on plastic. Using less plastic is a plus for the planet and a plus for your personal sanity. Say goodbye to all those tiny, useless, crinkly choking hazards.
A step above the gigantic reusable bags are packable bags that can be compactly stored when not in use. This particular bag isn’t designed to be packable. But, it is a badass, EDC, eco-friendly backpack that’s adjustable between 16L and 35L capacity. That’s sort of like being packable (right?). Say hello to tentree’s Mobius made entirely of recycled materials and funded through Kickstarter. Check out their site for different outdoor inspired prints too!

3. Knife
Speaking of recycled materials, did you know you can get a handcrafted knife that’s made of recycled steel? Bloodroot Blades in Athens, GA is doing just that, and they’ll even work with you if you have a particular piece of memorabilia you want to integrate into your knife through their Legacy series.

4. Clothing
Some pieces of clothing are considered eco-friendly based on the fact that they’re made from organic cotton or upcycled materials (and fun fact—REI seems to think upcycled gear is one of the newer trends hitting the outdoor market!). Other clothing is eco-friendly based on the fact that their proceeds go to support conservation and preservation efforts like The Landmark Project or Grip 6. If you’re in the market for a belt and feel the strong desire to support salmon populations, check out this belt that’s a part of the Grip 6 Conservation Series.

5. Toys
Eco-friendly gear. It’s not all fun and games…or is it? At Lever Gear, we like encouraging people to get outside, and if we can do that in a sustainable way, we say—why the hell not?! So, if this Earth Day you’re in the mood to splurge for the sake of badass, eco-friendly adventures, be sure to check out the Oru Kayak—a foldable kayak made of recycled materials. Even better, you can use coupon code EARTHDAY19 to get additional discounts off their refurbished kayaks. Saving green by going green. Their sale ends today (April 24th) though, so if you’re going to splurge, act fast!

Tell Me More…
Interested in more eco-friendly gear created by environmentally conscious companies? There’s a designation out there called Certified B Corporation. To earn this designation, companies are legally obligated to consider the impact their company has on workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. There’re a lot of specifics that go into becoming B certified, but if you see this marker you can be assured that company is operating consciously and thoughtfully. Click on the link below to search for Certified B Corporations across the globe.