We all have those work days when our tasks require more physical than mental effort. When your brain finds itself with some unexpected free time, consider giving these EDC podcasts a listen:
1. Art of Manliness Live

Covering everything from The History and Future of the American Special Forces and How to Survive a Grid Down Disaster to Finding Fulfillment in a World Obsessed With Happiness and How Jesuit Spirituality Can Improve Your Life, Art of Manliness offers nearly 500 podcasts. You’ll only regret not starting to listen earlier.
2. Gear Geeks Live

More than 100 episodes in, this bi-monthly podcast is 100% dedicated to the world of EDC. Join Tony, Dan, and Andrew as they drink a little and discuss a lot.
3. Prepper Talk Radio

If you’re down in the dumps about the state of the world and you feel like every day is one step closer to Earth’s demise, this podcast may be for you. Because they’re doom-and-gloom? No! Because the guys of Prepper Talk Radio are dedicated to helping people become self reliant through optimistic preparedness. This podcast is exactly what you need to develop a level-headed and prepared mindset.
4. Outside Podcast

Just in the mood to hear a damn good survival story? Give Outside Magazine’s podcast a listen for harrowing stories of survival. And, hey, with the Science of Survival series you may just learn a little something along the way too.
5. In the Rabbit Hole

Prepping in an urban or suburban setting? This practical podcast is for you. With advice on everything from Financial Survival and Disaster Psychology to Homesteading in the City and Emergency Medicine.