CLiP™ System
Traditional Keychain Pill Box
Lever Gear’s founder Mike Scully had long been fed up with the Traditional Keychain Pill Box and its serious limitations when he decided to challenge the traditional design. Mike wanted to invent something better, something more practical, more versatile. He set out to design a portable screwdriver that would carry bits—he succeeded in the design of the CLiP™ System. Curious about what sets the CLiP™ System EDC keychain gadget apart? Read on!

Convenient Carry
Winner: CLiP™ System
Unlike the Traditional Keychain Pill Box, the CLiP™ System is designed with clips at both ends. This makes the CLiP™ System EDC keychain gadget more convenient to carry, whether it’s in your pocket or on your keychain.

Winner: CLiP™ System
The Traditional Keychain Pill Box’s cylindrical design makes for a

Winner: Draw
Both the Traditional Keychain Pill Box and the CLiP™ System use gaskets to form watertight seals. We tested watertightness by plunging both carry cases in approximately six inches of water. And then, we left them to soak. When we opened the carry cases both had kept their contents safe and dry.

Storage Power
Winner: CLiP™ System
The Traditional Keychain Pill Box has a cylindrical design that can limit your storing ability. The CLiP™ System EDC keychain gadget was designed to offer maximum storage space and accessibility, so no matter what you carry you’re able see it and access it without having to empty all the contents.

Winner: CLiP™ System

While both the Traditional Keychain Pill Box and the CLiP™ System give you the power to carry the small stuff, only the CLiP™ System EDC keychain gadget gives you the power to drive a screw.
Putting practical tools and storage abilities at your fingertips, the CLiP™ System EDC keychain gadget is stacked with practical carrying features and designed to nest with your keys—making the CLiP™ System rise far above the Traditional Keychain Pill Box.